music, music, music

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


1. Loop - Collision
2. The Weads - Don't Call My Name
3. Sun City Girls - Different Kind of Whore ***
4. The Vondells - Hey Girl, You've Changed
5. Rockey and the Riddlers - Flash and Crash
6. King Loser - '76 Comeback
7. Les Rallizes Denudes - Flames of Ice
8. Bene Gesserit - Mickey, Please
9. Unovidual - Like I Am (Comme je suis)
10. Death in June - Fields (Raw Demo Version 1982)
11. Snapper - Emmanuelle
12. Mainliner - M (Remix)
13. Les Rallizes Denudes - (But I Was Different)
14. Cliffhangers - Since You've Gone Away
15. Bardo Pond - Lord of Light